Friday 17 September 2010

Panda-Bums and pulled muscles

Things have been busy in the land of the pandas lately. The children are back at school/pre-school, and yet I don't seem to have any more time for crafting than I did before. Not sure how that works!

Anyway, since last november or so, when I started to make nappies, I have referred to my endevours as Panda-Bums. Now that I am making more and more clothes, I thought it was time for me to develop my own brand identity. I decided that t-shirt transfer paper and twill tape was the way to go. I just needed a unique design to print onto them.

Cue Polo the Panda, supermodel. I posed her on a chair on a white t-shirt, with her back to the camera, and snapped away.
Then I played around with the image a bit, trying to find the right look for my labels.

I finally settled on this one :

Then, I edited it in my trusted Microsoft Digital Image Suite (ok ok, it's not Photoshop, but it works for me!) and printed it out onto my transfer paper.
Then I cut each one out, and ironed them, one by one, onto a stip of twill tape. Then i cut them out and, taa-daa!
The end result:

I'm really pleased with them, and can't wait to start sewing them into my creations :) But that'll have to wait, because i've pulled my trapezium muscle (a whiplash-type injury the dr says) and can't sew :'( Or knit, or even pick the pickles up, so woe is most definitely me!

On that note, i'll leave you!

Stay crafty ;0)



  1. Great idea with the twill tape, hope you get better soon so you can get going again. I know what it's like to be on dr enforced craft rest, it's pants.

  2. I love your labels. :) Rest up and hopefully you'll be back to sewing in no time.

  3. Greeting from Latvia! I'm obsest with pandas too.
    Of course I love your lables and I can't wait to see your new projects!
